Sonia Úbeda – Embrace and Lead

Wellbeing Works – lo que deberían de saber las empresas

Wellbeing at Work, WORKS.  In fact, wellbeing  WORKS inside and outside work.

Wellbeing is an effective strategy that gets real results.

The present and future of excellent organizations in the XXI century  start by recognizing employee physical, emotional, mental and spiritual needs, so they can satisfy those needs at a personal and professional levels. This is the basis of providing real opportunities for growth and contribution for individuals and organizations.

When I first read the words written by one of the most relevant mystic minds and poets of the XX century, Kalhil Gibran, I though there were no better way to express what I wanted to say. It reads as follows:

The challenge for companies in the twenty-first century is to create a work environment that encourages personal fulfillment, taking care of employees’ physical, emotional, mental and spiritual needs….to live out their passions and provide them with opportunities for service».


The message is perfectly clear, inspiring and meaningful. 

So, why is so difficult for most of the companies to take action on this? It has been probed by several studies the huge positive impact of investing in Wellbeing Programs with very good results: bottom line, and employee levels of satisfaction and happiness at work.

The dynamics of unproductive meetings, long-day work schedules, rigid timetables, and far from reality work-life balance policies, don´t encourage personal satisfaction neither professional fulfillment.  There is only one way to get out of this unhealthy circle: Awareness

Corporate culture is deeply encoded in the way each and every single person of the organization has learned to live and work, our common survival instincts, and in the heritage we have received from the past, among others.  

Being aware of how we think, feel and act as individuals and organizations is key to develop conciousness and to take effective and positive action towardssustainable change.

Knowing clearly the impact of bad  health habits, poor leadership behavior and  a narrow view of the present and the future of  people´s potential for growth, are the first steps towards building Awareness.

The final aim of Wellbeing strategies is to embrace new ways of thinking and doing for leaders and employees by taking care of there own needs as individuals. Therefore, getting real results  at the end of the day. Enjoying a culture of wellbeing and being a profitable company is a sign of corporate intelligence… Let´s be intelligent.

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